Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Miscarriage: Women Sharing From the Heart

After miscarrying Alexa in March of 2008, I withdrew into myself. I didn't talk to anyone, and when I did, I was so angry that eventually no one wanted to be around me. Not that I blame them, even now. Thankfully, I had a few good friends who stuck by me, and did what they could to just be there even when I didn't want them to be.
Of course, not even all their love was able to keep me out of that deep dark hole I'd begun to fall into. I had started cutting, and drinking heavily on a regular basis. This was not long after I moved to Alabama from Louisiana. I was on my own for the first time.
The point to this post is this, I wish I would have had someone who truly understood my pain from the start.
I found this book on Amazon, and tracked it down at BAM! It's written by two professional women, who not only have medical degrees to help people, they both have experienced miscarriages. They know from a personal level the pain women in this situation go through. Marie Allen & Shelly Marks interviewed over 100 women, and even some men, to get the different feelings or takes on their journeys through this pain.
Miscarriage: Women Sharing From the Heart was the turning point for me. I started to feel understood. Even today, I still reread through it. It has helped me get prospective after losing Clay in October. I know that my babies are in a better place, and in better situations than they ever would've been here. But missing them will never be a thing of the past.